David van Day did okay in his I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here Bushtucker Trial, which will be seen tonight. He managed nine stars and then spoilt it a little boasting, and at the same time knocking Nicola, by saying, "We’ll make a good meal out of it after three stars, God we’ll be full up … I shall be c*ck of the camp." The trial made him very smelly!

No Nicola McLean and David aren't the best of friends. She invited all of the contestants to her planned wedding - except for David and Timmy Mallett.
Tonight someone will be voted out. At the moment Brian Paddick is favourite with David not far behind in the betting stakes.
Joe Swash is still flattering Esther Rantzen, which does make some viewers cringe a little. He told her, "I think you’re a beautiful older lady with nice big boobies. If my wife looked like you when she gets to your age, I’d be over the moon, I’d be chuffed with that." Esther replied, "You are more than sweet to me." Ahhhh or Yukkk, depending on how you think of it.
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