What is a celebrity? Is Carly Zucker one for example?
I suppose being an I'm a Celeb contestant suddenly makes you one, even if you weren't previously.
Carly Zucker is a Fitness Instructor plus, of course, a WAG. She is engaged to Chelsea footballer Joe Cole and flashes a £50,000 ring. They are planning to marry in the summer of 2009.
She should be fit enough for the I'm A Celeb trials. She described her normal fitness regime:
"I walk the dogs every day. Joe and I enjoy doing that together. I probably do four gym sessions a week, 45 minutes to an hour each. I do free weights and cardio or core work. I eat sugar and I eat fat. I'm not on a particular diet. I just try to eat healthy natural British products rather than processed."
Why does she want to do I'm A Celeb?
When asked she replied, "Joe was keen for me to do the show. He's quite excited about everything. We've always said that as soon as he retires one of the things we'd like to do is go on safari and go and do bungee jumps and all crazy things that he can't do while he's a professional athlete. So I think by me doing this he's sort of living his part of his dream early by me doing it."
Maybe she should also have added, "To become a celebrity." Becoming the Queen of the Jungle could propel her to new heights - in more ways than one.
Carly reckons, "The public are going to realise I’m happy-go-lucky, relaxed, kind hearted and a people person really. But I’m not a typical girlie girl, I’m a dare devil."
She's already taking like a celeb - but we the public will draw our own conclusions in due course.
See also: Introducing Nicola McLean
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