
Saturday, 21 November 2009

No Alcohol For Katie Price On I'm A Celebrity

Katie Price boobsIt's said that Katie Price wanted alcohol banned from the jungle, just in case she does / says something that she shouldn't.

As she put it, "I'm Katie Price, but whenever I've had a drink everyone says I become Jordan. Everyone changes when they've had a drink. They get more confident. When I've been drinking, I like to take my clothes off. Don't ask me why."

A diva she may think she is but it would be unfair to ban the others from a bit of booze - if that's what they want. And anyway we've all seen Katy without her clothes, haven't we?

Perhaps she should drink to make her next bushtucker trial more interesting, her sixth on the trot. It looks like she'll be doing them all until she's evicted. Though Kim and Joe must be getting on viewers nerves by now.

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